
generosityofspiritorattitude.TAKETHEQUIZTOFINDOUT.WordsNearbypennywiseandpoundfoolish.pennyshares·penny ...,BEPENNY-WISEANDPOUND-FOOLISHtranslate:小錢仔細,大錢揮霍;省小錢花大錢.LearnmoreintheCambridgeEnglish-ChinesetraditionalDictionary.,penny-wiseandpound-foolishinBritishEnglish.carefulabouttriflesbutwastefulinlargeventures.Seefulldictionaryentryforpenny ...,BEPENNY-WISEANDPOUND-FOOLISHdefin...

A penny wise and a pound foolish.

generosity of spirit or attitude. TAKE THE QUIZ TO FIND OUT. Words Nearby penny wise and pound foolish. penny shares · penny ...

be penny-wise and pound-foolish

BE PENNY-WISE AND POUND-FOOLISH translate: 小錢仔細,大錢揮霍;省小錢花大錢. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Chinese traditional Dictionary.

Definition of 'penny-wise and pound

penny-wise and pound-foolish in British English. careful about trifles but wasteful in large ventures. See full dictionary entry for penny ...

Meaning of be penny-wise and pound

BE PENNY-WISE AND POUND-FOOLISH definition: 1. to be extremely careful about small amounts of money and not careful enough about larger amounts…

penny wise and pound foolish

Adjective edit · penny wise and pound foolish (not generally comparable, comparative more penny wise and pound foolish, superlative most penny wise and pound ...

Penny wise and pound foolish Idiom Definition

Penny-wise and pound-foolish is an idiom signifying the foolishness of saving small amounts of money while wasting much larger amounts at the same time.

Penny-wise andbut pound

The meaning of PENNY-WISE AND/BUT POUND-FOOLISH is careful about small amounts of money but not about large amounts —used especially to describe something ...

The phrase "penny wise, pound foolish" refers to a situation ...

2023年9月12日 — The phrase penny wise, pound foolish refers to a situation where someone is overly concerned with saving small amounts of money (the ...

勿因小失大Don't Be Penny Wise and Pound Foolish

2005年12月22日 — 勿因小失大Don't Be Penny Wise and Pound Foolish. 英文無所不談| 撰文者: 聞亦道 |出刊日期: 2005-12-22. 英國幣制以pound(鎊)、shilling(先令 ...